Search Engine Optimization

Get found quicker on Search Engines

Be one of the first when consumers search for your industry/products or services

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving both internal and external elements of a website that search engines consider in their listings. Improving these elements will tell the search engines that the content of your website is more relevant than others for particular keywords and subsequently show your website higher up in search results. This is important because most people only look at the first page of search results.

Why its important to keep up to date

The role of search engines is to crawl websites and establish which content is the most relevant for each search. The continuous growth of the internet also calls for continuous growth of crawling methods and ranking systems and websites must update to keep relevant. For example, Meta Keywords? are not taken into consideration at all by Google after this method was abused by website owners.

The benefits
  • Be seen
  • Establish online presence
  • Drive relevant traffic
  • Convert Traffic to Customers

What we do to help

Keyword Analysis

We will evaluate what keywords you are currently using and how they rank on search engines

Then we look at potential keywords that are not currently used in your website that could potentially generate revenue for your business.

On-page Optimization

We optimize your pages so that search engines can clearly understand what your content is about. This is achieved by properly optimizing internal links, meta tags, the title tag, image descriptions, header tags, navigation systems, the actual body text, etc.

External SEO

Links to your website tell search engines how popular it is and increases your sites Page Rank?.

We will build links to your site from popular directories, social networking, blogs, and press release sites.